How to Fix Gap Between Toilet and Wall: 4 Quick Ways

Written by

Paulk Webb


Freddie J. Hagopian

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how to fix gap between toilet and wall

It’s normal to leave a little gap between the toilet and the wall because you might need to remove its tank lid occasionally. Not to mention, building regulations require that there’s a 15-inch clearance between the toilet flange and the walls.

However, if the distance is too far, you need to learn how to fix gap between toilet and wall. Having a large gap between the toilet and the wall can be unsightly and a waste of space, especially if you have a small bathroom.

Several ways to fix the gap include installing an offset flange, adding tiles, or relocating the plumbing to move the toilet close to wall.

Let’s enumerate the steps below.

4 Ways to Fix Gap Between Toilet and Wall

</p> <h3>1. Adjust Toilet Position With An Offset Flange</h3> <p>


The quickest way to reduce the space between toilet and wall is to use an offset flange. This device allows you to move a toilet closer to the wall without the need to create another toilet hole. You can adjust the flange to alter the toilet space from wall for as much as two inches.

  • Use a wrench to remove the bolts and nuts, then lift the toilet off the floor.
  • Peel off the old wax ring and cover the hole in the sewage pipe with an old cloth to keep the nasty odor in.
  • Now, unscrew the old flange’s bolts to remove it.
  • Remove the plug of the sewage pipe and install the new offset flange. Adjust the flange to where you want the toilet to be newly located. Seal the connections and bolt the flange to the floor.
  • Finally, fit the toilet to the new flange. If there’s any gap between the flange and the toilet base, fill it with expanding foam. Then, screw the bolts in place.
</p> <h3>2. Hide Gap With Additional Tiles</h3> <p>


Another way to minimize the toilet spacing from wall is to add tiles. The tiles will serve as the toilet tank wall spacer. Not only does this solve a minor gap issue, but it will also increase the aesthetics of your bathroom.

  • First, you need to remove the toilet from the floor to make the tiling easier.
  • Clean the wall where you want to place the tiles. Remove any loose plaster and fill any cracks or holes with commercially available wall fillers. Then, sand the surface until it’s smooth.
  • Apply several coats of waterproofing to the walls for extra protection from any moisture buildup.
  • Now, put the tiles. You can use a lightweight vinyl tile that sticks to the wall with an adhesive, such as thin-set mortar or mastic.
</p> <h3>3. Fill Space Behind Toilet With Caulk</h3> <p>


Caulk isn’t just an excellent method to fix gap between toilet and floor, but it can also work as a toilet gap filler for that little space behind your toilet.

  • Use a putty knife to remove any dirt or debris in the extra space behind your toilet.
  • Tape the area where you want to keep caulk-free.
  • Load your caulk gun and apply the caulk to the gap. For superb moisture resistance, choose silicone caulk. Alternatively, pick latex for easy workability.
</p> <h3>4. Relocate The Plumbing Pipes</h3> <p>


When you have a toilet tank too far from wall, you might need to spend a total toilet overhaul.

  • First, remove the existing toilet together with the flange and other hardware
  • Next, remove the subfloor to view the drains and pipes more clearly.
  • Cut a new hole where you want to mount the toilet in the black tank.
  • Plumb in the new toilet.
  • For the old drain hole, cover and seal it with a grommet.

How Far Should a Toilet Be From the Wall


Generally, the toilet hole distance from wall behind should be 12 inches. To ensure that your toilet gets the right dimensions, measure from the finished back wall to the center of the toilet flange. Now, this will give you a 1-inch gap distance between toilet and wall once the toilet is installed.

At the side wall or nearest fixture like a vanity, the minimum distance is 15 inches. You can add more inches to give more elbow room if you have a large bathroom. How much space is needed on your toilet’s front depends on local plumbing regulations.

Causes of Gaps and How to Prevent


Have you wondered why your toilet cistern not touching wall?

Following the building code of the bathroom’s fixtures can leave a gap of one inch between the toilet and the wall. It’s necessary to leave a little space to use the toilet more comfortably. To cover gap issues, you can install a rack for extra storage or insert an expanding foam.

The 15-inch toilet drain distance from wall rule is based on the old toilet models with large tanks. Now that newer models are toilets with narrow tanks, the gap becomes wider and more apparent. To avoid the gap issue, choose a toilet model that offers the least distance from back wall.



What is an offset flange and its benefits?

An offset toilet flange is a piece of fitting device that connects your toilet to the drain pipe. Instead of the straight standard flange, the offset model is angled to allow more flexibility to move the toilet tank against wall.

Why should I fix the gap between the toilet and wall?

Having a large space behind the toilet can make retrieving items that have fallen within the fixture’s vicinity more challenging. For instance, you put a shampoo bottle on top of the tank. When it falls in the gap, it would be difficult to reach out for the item.

Should there be a gap between toilet tank and bowl?

There’s usually a gap between ¼-½ inch from the tank to the bowl. More than that, and the toilet will become unsteady. You need to find a tighter fit because having a big gap can put a toll on the bolts and cause water leaks.


Now that you know how to fix gap between toilet and wall, you can upgrade the look of your bathroom. My favorite solution is the offset flange because it’s easy to install and works more efficiently in closing the gap. All solutions are effective, but pick one that suits your current budget and skills.

If you’ve tried fixing a gap between your toilet and the wall behind it, let us know in the comment section below. You can also share this post to help other people with this same problem.

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