How to Prevent Snakes from Entering Your Toilet? – 5 Tips

Written by

Paulk Webb


Freddie J. Hagopian

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how to prevent snakes from entering your toilet

No one wants to be bitten by a snake, especially when using the bathroom!

Snakes can enter your toilet through an opening in sewers, which are common hiding grounds for mice and rats.

If you’re reading this, dealing with a snake in a toilet bowl may be a concern or something you want to be prepared for in the future.

Worry no more. Below we have compiled the most effective ways on how to prevent snakes from entering your toilet.

Reasons Snakes Enter Toilets


To understand how to get rid of snakes in the toilet, you have to know why snakes would want to enter your bathroom in the first place.

  • Snakes enter toilets to hide in a dark and damp place. If they find an opening in the plumbing system, then it’s likely snakes swim up toilets through the pipes.
  • Snakes might also go into toilets to find food like mice or bugs.
  • Although unusual, snakes in the bathroom can happen when they accidentally fall in or enter through open drains or pipes connected to the sewage system.

Ways to Prevent Snakes From Getting Into Your Toilet

To avoid snakes from entering your toilet, make your home less attractive to them. Here are some easy and helpful ways.

Tip #1: Keep the bathroom window and door CLOSED


The best solution is to keep the snakes out during snake-prone seasons or if you reside in snake-prone areas.

  • While it’s expected that you close the toilet lid down, make it a habit of keeping the bathroom door and windows closed, especially when not in use. Think of it as a “snakes out, lid down” policy.
  • It’s a good idea to install window screens. It allows air circulation while preventing snakes and other pests from entering.
  • You can also use door stoppers to prevent small gaps between the door and the floor that snakes might use to sneak in.
  • Periodically inspect your bathroom for any signs of snakes or other pests. Ensure you also fix any crack or gap through which snakes could enter.

Tip #2: Install a roof vent hood


Snakes come up the toilet through the ventilation pipes in your home. To make sure no snakes or pests enter the ventilation and cause trouble for you, it’s best to install a roof vent hood.

What to prepare

  • Roof vent hood
  • Measuring tape
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Screws or roof nails
  • Sealant or roofing cement

How to install it:

  1. Choose the appropriate vent hood for your roof and locate the installation area.
  2. Cut a hole around it using a jigsaw.
  3. Place the vent hood over the opening, ensuring complete coverage without gaps.
  4. Use a screwdriver or drill to attach the vent hood securely to the roof. You may apply sealant or roofing cement around the edges.

Tip #3: NO overgrown bushes or shrubs around your house


By keeping the areas around your home free from overgrown bushes and shrubs, you eliminate potential hiding spots for snakes.

Pay close attention to bushes and grasses around the sewer, as they can attract rodents and other small creatures that snakes feed on. Snakes may be drawn to these areas in search of food.

Tip #4: Inspect Sewage Pipes


Snakes can navigate through small openings and cracks. If there are broken sewage pipes in or around your house, they provide an entry point for snakes to enter the plumbing system and eventually make their way into your toilet bowl.

Inspect exposed pipes in and around your house. Look for any signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or disconnected joints.

Snakes and other pests may be attracted to sewage odors or damp areas caused by broken pipes.

If you notice any foul smells or moisture around certain pipe sections, it indicates a potential issue. Address any issues promptly to maintain a snake-proof environment.

Tip #5: Use natural snake repellents


Snake repellents are used to deter snakes from entering specific areas, including your toilet.

Several natural products used to effectively repel snakes are:

  • Clove and cinnamon oil
  • Garlic and onions
  • Vinegar
  • Lime
  • Ammonia
  • Naphthalene / Mothballs
  • Sulfur

Although washing/flushing your toilet with these snake deterrents can help keep snakes away, their effectiveness depends on the snake species and environment. You need to be careful in using them.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Common Are Snakes in the Toilet?

There’s a relatively LOW chance that you will find a snake in your toilet. For snake-prone areas, it is more common to find snakes in backyards or bedrooms. While it’s not a common occurrence, it’s still important to take preventive measures to minimize the chances of encountering a snake in your toilet.

What’s The Best Thing to Do If There’s A Snake in My Toilet?

It’s natural to feel startled or afraid, but try to remain calm. Maintain a safe distance and avoid any sudden movements or loud noises. If it’s inside, try closing the toilet lid, go out, and close the bathroom door.

Next thing, call a professional. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to remove the snake on your own, especially if you are uncertain about the species or if it is venomous. This can be dangerous and should be left to trained professionals.


Snakes entering toilets is a rare occurrence, but it can happen for several reasons.

These effective ways on how to prevent snakes from entering your toilet are a good start to address your fear of snakes in the toilet bowl.

Put these 5 helpful tips to the test and share your experience with us. We’re eager to hear how they work for you in preventing snakes from entering your toilet.

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