Hemp vs Bamboo Toilet Paper: Which is a Better Choice?

Written by

Paulk Webb


Freddie J. Hagopian

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hemp vs bamboo toilet paper

The guilt of the amount of toilet paper that you use and the desire to protect the environment might motivate you to ponder on hemp vs bamboo toilet paper.

Hemp and bamboo are both sustainable and renewable materials. They’re biodegradable so they’re ideal for sensitive skin. However, hemp is not as common as bamboo. This plant is somewhat controversial as it’s linked with marijuana. To feed your curiosity and find out whether bamboo paper for weed works or not, read on.

What Do You Know About Hemp Toilet Paper?


As the name suggests, hemp toilet paper is derived from hemp plants. Specifically, this toilet paper is made up of hemp cellulose fibers. This type of fiber is produced by Sisal hemp, cannabis Sativa Indica, Manila hemp, Abaca, and other hemp plants. The production of hemp tissue paper using these plants is more low-cost than production with trees.

Also, hemp plants deliver more cellulose fiber compared to trees. Pre-pulping is one of the processes to make hemp toilet paper since lignin needs to be extracted.


Besides being eco-friendly hemp paper, there are other aspects that this item excels. You’ll find them in the following list.

  • The soft, natural fibers

Just by cutting the hemp’s stem, you’ll find that the inside is soft. It’s even softer if you compare it with wood or stems of other plants. Thus, it makes sense why it can produce soft toilet paper without adding any chemicals.

  • Tougher than the usual toilet paper

Despite its softness, it doesn’t easily break. This feature also means that it can absorb water that is five times its weight. It’s the reason why it’s suitable for toilet use.

  • Antibacterial properties

Hemp plants contain the most bioactive components, which include antibacterial properties. Since hygiene is vital in using the toilet, this content is helpful. Additionally, it can prevent urinary tract infections.

  • Minimal chemical use

It’s inevitable to add chemicals in paper manufacturing even when using recycled paper. But hemp plants don’t need a lot of chemicals for breaking down the plant fibers. Hence, only a little chemical waste is released into the environment.

  • Biodegradable, renewable, and sustainable

Because there are fewer chemicals used in this toilet paper, it breaks down more easily. Hemp plants are considered renewable as well. They’re ready to harvest in just a matter of 20 weeks. In an acre of land, the production is four times higher than with tree plantations.

When you compare hemp vs trees for paper production, there’s no doubt the former wins. Hemp is also a sustainable plant as it doesn’t drain the nutrients out of the soil. Instead, its dried leaves return to the soil as nutrients.


  • Not readily available

Hemp toilet paper is available in China and other countries. However, it hasn’t been introduced to the mass market of the United States. Local companies are not willing to let go of their original business model yet. If you’re in the US, you will have to search high and low for where to buy it.

Important Details of Bamboo Toilet Paper


Using bamboo in toilet paper products has more advantages. This plant gives off fibers that are more sustainable and renewable than tree pulps. Nonetheless, the bamboo material is similar to hardwood which is usually combined with softwood to make the usual toilet paper.

If you haven’t tried using bamboo toilet paper, I recommend The Cheeky Panda bamboo toilet paper, Betterway bamboo toilet paper, and NooTrees bamboo bathroom tissue as they’re worth every penny for a great toilet experience!


  • Sustainable, renewable, and eco-friendly

Due to the favorable growing abilities of bamboo, ethical and eco-friendly manufacturing can be done. Thus, it’s undeniably sustainable. Bamboo can grow 3 feet a day and it reaches maturity in 3 years. Even though you harvest it, it continues to grow on its own without requiring replanting. Bamboos are way tougher than trees as they only need little nutrients and water to thrive. They don’t require fertilizers at all.

It’s also been discovered that bamboo is a powerhouse of carbon dioxide. They can absorb 178 tons of CO2 per clump annually. This amount is 10 times more than the absorbing ability of trees. Also, bamboo toilet paper has a lower carbon imprint than toilet paper made of recycled paper.

  • Free of BPA and chlorine

The usual way of treating toilet paper involves bleaching. This makes the product white, soft, and strong. However, there’s a downside as the elemental chlorine used in the said process is harmful to humans. The good news is that this is not necessary when making bamboo toilet paper. Producing this product doesn’t need bleach, BPA, scent, pesticides, or dyes.

  • Soft, durable, and antibacterial

You don’t have to be reluctant about using bamboo toilet paper as it has the right softness. It won’t harm sensitive skin but you can benefit more from its antibacterial properties. Besides being gentle to the skin, you won’t gain UTI from using it.


  • If bamboo used in making toilet paper is from China, the transport of these materials is carbon-intensive.

What’s the Score Between Hemp Toilet and Bamboo Toilet Paper


The factors that you may be after when buying toilet paper are laid out here.

1. User friendly

Since these types of toilet paper are made with few chemicals, you won’t have to worry about using either of them even if you have sensitive skin. You will gain benefits because of their antibacterial properties. The best bamboo toilet paper proves to be free of fragrance and hypoallergenic just like The Cheeky Panda bamboo toilet paper.

When it comes to softness and toughness, they are both excellent. You can wipe yourself properly without directly getting in contact with waste. It also means that you don’t need to pull a lot of sheets to finish your business in the toilet.

2. Septic-safe

Bamboo toilet paper is highly water soluble so there will be no problem if it gets through the pipe and even the septic tank. It won’t create a blockage or clog. Anyway, you only need a few sheets of this toilet paper to clean yourself.

Is hemp toilet paper septic safe too? Yes, as it’s biodegradable just like bamboo toilet paper. Both of them are processed with fewer chemicals so they can break down easily with water.

3. Sustainability

Hemp plants prove to be sustainable as they do not collect all the soil’s nutrients. Their leaves even combine with the soil to become fertilizer.

The bamboo fibers used in making toilet paper that is certified by FSC are sustainable too. But the sad truth is that not all bamboo fibers are made equal.

The bamboo transported from Asia doesn’t promote sustainability as more energy is used to turn the fibers into pulps. During the transport process, there’s high emission of carbon dioxide, which is not good for the planet.

4. Cost and availability

The bamboo and hemp toilet paper price is higher than that of regular toilet paper. If you compare the price of 4 rolls of The Cheeky Panda bamboo toilet paper to 6 rolls of Presto Mega roll toilet paper, the difference is $0.52. It’s just a small amount compared to the benefits that you can get from bamboo toilet paper. In the United States, bamboo toilet paper is easy to find.


Why are hemp toilet paper and bamboo toilet paper so expensive?

You’ll find toilet paper made from hemp so expensive if you’re used to buying regular ones. Aside from the fact that hemp fibers are costlier than wood pulp, small-sized pieces of equipment and even outdated ones are used to process hemp plants. The harvest of hemp plants is only done once a year then it’s kept for the entire year to place into the mill.

Several reasons contribute to the higher price of bamboo toilet paper. Compared to regular toilet paper, it’s somehow difficult to process. The market is still small and it needs more effort and money to promote. Based on the current standing, regular toilet paper has the biggest market share. Some brands of bamboo toilet paper offer a subscription model so buyers can get a discount.

Is bamboo toilet paper better for the environment?

As mentioned, bamboo fibers are not all the same. The FSC-certified brand is good for the environment for sure. Those that are outsourced outside the United States may not be eco-friendly as they use a lot of energy during the transporting of the goods and converting of fibers into pulps.


There’s no huge difference between hemp vs bamboo toilet paper. Hemp toilet paper is hard to find in the US. If you can’t access it, you can buy bamboo toilet paper but you have to ensure that the brand is about sustainability. All in all, the characteristics of these types of toilet paper are the same. They’re safe for your skin and the septic.

Before you go, don’t forget to check other interesting topics about toilet paper:

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