How Much Does a Japanese Toilet Cost in 2023

Written by

Paulk Webb


Freddie J. Hagopian

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how much does a japanese toilet cost

Japanese toilets are getting popular in the USA because they provide a great sense of luxury and convenience in your home. You don’t need to use toilet paper because the bidet will do the cleaning for you. So, how much does a Japanese toilet cost?

The price of Japanese toilets is more on the high side. You can purchase a basic toilet seat with a bidet for a whopping $300-$500 and a mid-range unit for $600-900. If you want the high-end model, expect to pay more than $1,000.

Let’s delve into the price range of each model below.

Japanese Toilet Price


The cost of a Japanese toilet may vary depending on its model. The basic models are the cheapest while the high-end ones are the most expensive. Here’s a table showing the price range of each type of model.

Model Key Features Price
Basic Models
  • seat only
  • bidet
  • Heated seat
Mid-range Models
  • May come as a seat or full system
  • Temperature settings
  • Massage setting
High-end Models
  • Full system (with bowl and seat)
  • Automatic flush system
  • Automatic opening and closing of the lid
$1,000 or more

The basic models may only come as a toilet seat alone, so expect to pay about $300 to $500, which is still more expensive than a traditional toilet. You can already find a full system with some mid-range units, but most of them are advanced seat models. The price ranges from $600 to $900. 

If you want a full Japanese toilet with a bidet and other extra features, you can go with the high-end models that cost $1,000 to $9,000 or even more. Take note that you might need to spend more on the installation because the electrical connections can be tricky.

Factors Influencing Japanese Toilet Prices

Not all Japanese toilets are the same. While others are seats alone, others are built with a full system and extra features. Here are the factors that may affect the price of Japanese-style toilets.

1. Materials

Japanese toilet seats are often made of durable plastic to provide extreme durability, making them less expensive than full system units. For the high-end units that include a bowl, the construction is made of ceramic, porcelain, or vitreous china. Ceramic toilets are less expensive than their porcelain and vitreous china counterparts because they’re less dense. 

A Japanese smart toilet is often integrated with motion sensors, adding more cost to the production. You can also find a lot of buttons to represent each function. For example, a button for drying, temperature settings, and deodorizer.

Truly, you pay more when you buy a Japanese toilet with more electronic parts.


2. Build And Functionality

A Japanese toilet may come with different functionalities, depending on the model. For a basic model, you can expect features like a heated toilet seat, a bidet, and air filters for odor control. Since it’s built with only a seat, this model is the least expensive. 

You can find more advanced features for the bidet and seat with a mid-range unit. The bidet allows you to change the water temperature while the seat can provide massage for extra relief. For easy operation, a remote control is included.

Of course, nothing can beat the multiple features of high-end electronic toilets. Imagine flushing the toilet without pulling any lever or opening the lid without lifting any finger. Though pretty convenient, the price of these models can be pretty high.

3. Brands

japanese toilet brands

Popular Japanese toilet brands like Toto and Kohler are more pricey than other brands. For example, Toto Neorest RH has a price tag of almost $6,000 while Kohler Karing 2.0 costs around $3,000. With the money you pay, you get the assurance of quality and reliability with these top brands. 

If you like to save money, you can choose less-known brands like Casta Diva and Ove Decors. Their Japanese toilets barely cost around $1,000. The cheapest Japanese toilet available is from Dozti which only costs about $500.


Now that you know the answer to the question, “How much does a Japanese toilet cost?”, you can sort out your budget for your next bathroom renovation. Investing in a Japanese toilet is worth the money because you get all the luxury each time you sit on the throne. You don’t need to flush the toilet manually and use toilet paper because these units are built with many automatic features.

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